Your Gut Health & Estrogen

I’ve really been enjoying going for a walk around Central Park in the morning. I usually leave my apartment around 7 a.m. and what I’ve been trying to do is really pay attention to what’s around me. Too many times, I just pop in my ear buds and walk with my head down so that I don’t trip over something and take an epic nose dive into some horse poop. So, I’ve really been paying attention to what’s around me. I watch the yoga class that’s happening on the lawn to the right of me. I can’t help but smile when I see a pack of dogs playing their hearts out while all the puppy parents stand nearby with their Yeti mugs full of coffee. I’ve even been paying attention to the trees and flowers and how they all change just a little bit every day.
But, what amazes me most is that I’m now starting to recognize the people around me. Day after day, I’m starting to see more and more familiar faces. Like the hunched over little old man with his mask securely in place and committed to walking his route. There’s the girl with such a recognizable runner’s limp that I can only recognize her from the back. And today, there was a new character, the green hair dude. I first saw him yesterday skate board out of Best Buy and here he was this morning, walking bare foot amongst the runners, walkers and bicyclists with his green hair blowing in the morning breeze. Sticking out, but, not turning heads. After all, this is New York City.
It makes me realize this isn’t such a far stretch from our own bodies. Even though it may be hard to see how one thing is connected to another, if you start to pay attention, you’ll start to see familiar crossing patterns. And when you really start to pay attention you may even see the green haired dude and you’ll be able to gauge if it means trouble for your body or is it just an eccentric and harmless addition.
How well we navigate menopause can depend on how well we pay attention to the crossing patterns of our body. For example, did you know that gut health plays an important part in estrogen balance? Check out this week’s video for more on this topic…