Turning 40 ushered in a decade of health issues.

Turning 50 was the challenging decade of aging.

As I push 60, I've decided it will be my  decade of vibrant health.


Hey there! I'm Shari and I'm Holistic Health & Hormone Coach.

And, in case you didn’t know, I haven't always been a health coach. 

My last career was in wine! I owned a store on the upper west side of NYC. It was a lot of fun, but, it was also super stressful and not really that fulfilling.

I was hyper stressed out. I ate a lot of take-away and drank a lot of wine (after all, it literally WAS my business).

My butt got bigger and so did my gut. I wasn't sleeping. My normally upbeat optimism tanked and so did my energy. I felt like crap.

As I tried to get my derailed health back on track, I quickly learned that doing what always worked for me in the past wasn't working any more. The weight would not budge. WTF?

Through a lot of research, I realized my post-40 bod was in a state of hormonal imbalance. Through lifestyle shifts of mind, body and spirit, I turned it around. I lost the weight, started sleeping like a rock star and my energy levels soared.

OMG!!!! I couldn't believe the secret power I held to create incredible health for my own body and health!

Now, I am committed to aging gracefully and powerfully. And I passionately desire that for every single woman in the entire cosmos!

Turns out, my super power is to coach women to naturally bring their hormones back into balance so they can lose weight (even belly fat), increase their energy and rock their lives in a cute pair of jeans.

At the Institute for Integrative Nutrition I studied nutrition, bio-individuality, hormone health, gut health and the fact that our lives are nourished by so much more than just food. I committed myself to self-development, self-improvement and self-love.

I'm completely obsessed with hormones and women's health.