Why You Should Care About Inflammation

I have a riddle for you. What is something that you can’t see? You can’t feel, but it is slowly damaging your body? The answer is chronic inflammation.
Chronic inflammation is something I’ve been hearing a lot more about. Seems like a lot of health experts are mentioning chronic inflammation more and more.
What is chronic inflammation and what causes it? There’s two types of inflammation, 1) acute inflammation and 2) chronic inflammation. Acute inflammation is when we we have an injury, or bacterial or viral invasion into our body. Our immune system kicks up and sends out the soldier cells to fight off infection or perhaps create a bruise or some swelling in order to protect that area of the body and start the healing process.
Chronic inflammation happens when there is no injury or external invasion. But the body becomes in such a state of dis-ease, that it kicks into an inflammatory state. It starts attacking parts of the body, like joints, arteries, and organs.
What is the genesis of this? Well, if you’re not eating healthy, not exercising enough, not getting good quality sleep, under a ton of stress your body becomes a perfect environment for inflammation.
What does chronic inflammation set you up for? It puts you at a higher risk for heart disease, cancer, obesity, and Alzheimer’s. Quite honestly, the list just goes on and on and on. Inflammation and everything it can cause is just one more reason why we need to eat better, exercise more, sleep better, and chill out a little bit more.
Peace & Love!