What Is a Health Coach?

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Does this scenario sounds familiar to you? You’re eating all the right things. You’re working out. You’re essentially doing everything that you’re supposed to be doing. But you keep gaining weight.
Maybe you’re not sleeping so great. You’re energy’s tanked. Brain fog might be rolling in. In general, you just don’t feel that great. And it’s so frustrating, right?
Let me make make a suggestion. You might need a health coach. Exactly what is a health coach? And what do they do? Health coaching is a fairly new field. It’s about 15 years old. But more and more, it’s starting to grow in popularity with people, with doctors, and with other health care professionals. And, just like a sports coach works with an athlete so that they can achieve a higher level of performance in their sport. A health coach works with you to help you also excel and achieve a higher level of health and at a faster rate.
As a health coach, I am professionally trained. I work one on one with my clients who are midlife women. And I instill in them the confidence, the knowledge and the tools so that they can fully participate in their health care journey. Now, I believe as women, it’s best to take a three prong approach to health care, and that’s mind, body, and spirit.
I believe it’s important to reclaim our body’s natural wisdom. We need to really learn how to listen to what our body is saying to us because we are all bio individual, and, what works for one woman might not work for you.
Now, as your health coach, I am your biggest cheerleader, I am your accountability partner, I am your support system. And together we will define your health goals. We will create a custom, clear doable plan that with lifestyle shifts, you will be able to reach your goals.
So now, if health coaching has intrigued you a little bit, I highly recommend that you go ahead and join my Facebook group. It’s a free group. It is filled with the most amazing, kind, warm hearted supportive women. There are lots of really good perks and values. I host a Happy Vibes Happy Hour where bring in experts from other fields. We learn about things like non toxic skincare, money mindset, CBD oil and more. I also offer complimentary group health coaching. So it is just lots of perks, lots of great value and a lot of fun. So come and join us. I will also put the link in the comments and until I see you again,
Peace and Love!