This One Word Will Make Your Year!

So, the New Year 2022 is quickly approaching. I have to wonder, who do you want to be? What do you want your year to look like? And how are you going to achieve it? These are really big, deep questions. Questions that you could journal pages and pages on.
For the past few years, just one word has really helped me create some of the best years recently in my life. So, what am I talking about? Well, one of the greatest tools you can use to achieve an epic year is by picking a word of the year.
What exactly is a word of the year?
It is one word you choose that is very strongly connected to you. It resonates with you. It makes your heart sing. Lastly, it has nothing to do with what somebody else wants from you or wants you to achieve.
Picking a word of the year is so much better than a resolution. I’ve tried resolutions, and ultimately, I just feel like I was setting myself up for failure. When you have a word of the year, it’s something that creates how you will show up in every situation of your life, every day. It’s influences how you’re going to make decisions and how you’re going to feel about those decisions that you make.
For example, last year, my word was presence. So, when I was with someone, when I was doing something, I wanted to be 100% present in the moment for that person for that taskand not be scattered. It has really helped me develop a much more focused approach to everything I do. The year before that, my word was committed. I really love this word, because I’ve always had a bit of an issue finishing things. I was great at starting. I was always very, very motivated and quick to start. Then it just sort of would fizzle out. So, anytime I felt that I was starting to fizzle out. I would remind myself o my word of the year and how I promised to show up. It really helped me see things through to the end.
This year, my word is connection. I’m an introvert and I have been making more of an effort to put myself out there; be more visible; start up a conversation; be the one who engages in staying in touch. The word connection resonates so much with me.
How do you choose a word of the year?
- First, look into your past.
- What worked?
- What did you like about it?
- What things that you would have changed?
- How could you have changed them?
- Then, visualize your future.
- How do you want that year to look?
- How do you want it to feel in your body?
- How do you what to show up?
- Who do you want to become?
Here are some word of the year examples:
- empowered
- reliable
- abundant
- intentional
- wellness
And have as much fun as you want! Pick a designer word like Chanel and emulate that brand if that appeals to you! Once you’ve chosen your word, stick with it for all 365 days. Write the word down and keep it at the top of your mind. Put it on a post it note and attach it someplace you’ll see it everyday. Make it your screensaver. Put it on a little piece of paper, carry it with you all the time. I genuinely think that this is one of the easiest, but most powerful tools to really create an intentional year.
Peace and Love!