One of My Secrets for Weight Loss

Don’t you love the feeling you get when you’re in love? You want to always be around that person and when you’re not you just love to gush about them to anyone who’ll listen including your dog. Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could capture those same feelings for yourself? Wouldn’t it be incredible if you could just order up a big ol’ jar of self-love from Amazon Prime? How would that change you? Positive feelings and self-love have been shown to improve our health, increase our immunity and actually help us lose weight.
Bruce Lipton, who has to be the coolest cellular biologist around, has shown how our thoughts affect our cells down to their DNA. And, I don’t have a microscope in my apartment to see if my cells are doing a happy dance, but, I can tell you that one of the greatest secret weapons I have uncovered to weight loss is to simply love myself and my body in the here and now. I’m learning to be happy in the moment, in my current life, circumstances and body. I’ve learned that pinning my hopes of happiness on the sentence, “I’ll be happy when…..” is a recipe for failure.