More Gratitude Means A Happier Menopause

I’ve recently accepted the fact that gratitude is a practice. I can’t just jot down the first three things that pop into my mind and say I’ve practiced gratitude. Gratitude isn’t a writing exercise. It’s a practice that must be filled with emotion to really reap the benefits. I know I’ve technically scheduled for gratitude in the morning, but, I’m practicing it all day long. My goal is to reach a 100 thank you’s a day. I got the idea from this really cool scientist, Albert Einstein. He practiced saying “thank you” hundreds of times a day.
So what are the benefits of a daily gratitude practice? Here’s 10 things that will shift in your life by practicing gratitude:
1) It will make you happier
2) It will reduce your stress
3) It will improve your self-esteem
4) It will help you be more resilient
5) It will help you sleep better
6) It will improve your physical health
7) It will strengthen your romantic relationships
8) It will improve your friendships
9) It will make you a better manager
10) It will give more purpose to your workday
In this week’s video, I cover 12 different and easy ways to practice gratitude.