How’s Your Diet Going? Like Really?

How are you doing? I’m actually going to stop right there because I’m curious to know what your answer is. Did you just say “fine” or “good” without really thinking about how you are doing or how you are feeling? And I have a hunch if I asked you, “Hey, how’s your diet?” I think your default answer might be “It’s good. I eat healthy”. But you may have to dig a little deeper and find the real answer.
So, how is your diet?
Are you gaining weight?
Especially in the belly area?
Are you sleeping poorly?
Is your energy low?
Do you have a bit of brain fog?
Are you just feeling kind of meh?
If you answer yes to one or more of these then maybe your diet isn’t good or isn’t as healthy as it could be.
Maybe you’re eating too many carbs?
Maybe you’re not getting enough protein?
Maybe your plate isn’t a good balance of healthy carbs, healthy fats, and healthy proteins.
How do you shop in the grocery store?
Are you sticking to the perimeter of the store?
Do you spend most of your time in the center aisles of the grocery store?
Do you know that the healthier foods tend to be stocked in the store’s perimeter and the processed, boxed and bagged foods are in the center of the store?
Where is that food coming from?
Am I grabbing a box that has a barcode on it?
Or am I grabbing something that is genuinely fresh?
How many ingredients are in that box or bag?
Aim to get something that has an ingredient statement of five or less ingredients. Start to become more mindful and more aware of what you’re eating, how it’s being packaged, and how it’s being balanced out on your plate. I think you’ll start to get a better answer of how is your diet doing?
One fascinating thing you can do is to use the at-home monitoring kits for blood glucose. I did one through my doctor. What’s interesting is to start to understand your blood glucose and what it is before you eat? What is it after you eat? What is it after a certain meal? Just pasta? What’s going to be your blood glucose after? Now, what if you had that same pasta, but you added in some healthy fats and healthy proteins? I think that’s where we can start to really learn about how healthy our diet is. If you are interested in doing something like a blood glucose monitoring at home, I think it’s a fantastic idea. Partner up with your doctor and have a conversation about what range you should be in.
And once you know what those numbers mean, collect them. And really get an deeper understanding on how healthy your diet is working for you.
Peace & Love!