Food Can Affect Your Mood!
Have you ever felt when you ate a certain foods, your mood either got better or worse because of it? Maybe you’ve never made a connection between what you’ve eaten and what your mood is? The fascinating new field of nutritional psychiatry investigates and answers these questions about how food can affect our mood. This…
Serving Size vs Portion Size: What’s the Diff?
So have you ever had a really big meal, and afterward, you’re convinced you’ve gained five pounds? Sometimes we lose track of what we’re consuming until it’s too late. We get that feeling of discomfort and bloating in our stomach. But, there’s also other things that are happening when we over eat. When we eat,…
Exercise Gratitude to Lose Weight
Besides just focusing on nutrition and working out, I am trying different avenues to help you and me maintain a good, healthy, happy weight. One of the things I recently discovered is that exercise in gratitude can lead to losing weight. What’s the idea behind exercising gratitude to lose weight? It doesn’t seem like the…
Amp Up Your Immune System
Welcome to cold and flu season! Since we’ve been dealing with COVID, have you become just a little bit more heightened and aware about your immune system and staying healthy? Today, I want to talk about what you can do to amp up your immune system. You probably have echinacea, zinc and vitamin C ready…
Migraines and Midlife
Are you starting to experience migraine headaches? Maybe this is something you’ve never had before in your life? Are these migraines occurring right around the time that you’re getting your period? Or are you getting them a few times during the month? And you’re not quite sure what has happened or changed in your life…
Tips to Keep Midlife Weight Off
Now that you’re in midlife, do you find yourself in an endless battle to keep weight off? You’re just not comfortable in your skin anymore? Sometimes, the best way to tackle an issue is to go old school. Today, I want to revisit those old school tactics for keeping weight off. Keep a food diary.…
How Hormones Can Change Your Body Shape in Mid-Life
Are you feeling a little bit of anxiety about the fact that you’re going to be faced with a lot of tempting food choices as we start to head into the holiday season?. And even though you might already eat really clean sometimes that temptation is tough. Today, I wanted to talk about hormones, and…
How to Use Breath Work to Relieve Hot Flashes
Have you ever been at a meeting at work and you start to feel it. It’s like you have an internal heated core and the heat starts to radiate out. Then all of a sudden…BOOM… you are in the midst of a hot flash! And, you cannot stop it! It can be both embarrassing and…
Sleep Supplements – Part 2
Have you ever had a sleep hangover? I don’t know, maybe you’ve never heard of a sleep hangover. I think it might be a term I’ve coined. But let me tell you what it is to me. Years ago, when I was really struggling with sleep, I actually would wake up the next morning and…
Sleep Supplements – Part 1
SLEEP SUPPLEMENTS PART 1 I bet that you have experienced at least one of these following scenarios… 1) It’s time to go to bed, you lay your head down on the pillow, and nothing happens. And you’re just waiting for sleep, to please, please come and it doesn’t. 2) You wake up at 2am, maybe…

I'm Shari and I believe that midlife is the start of your next great chapter in life! Are you with me?