Don’t Have These 5 Regrets For Your Life
Did you know that over a lifetime, the average person makes 773,618 decisions? And out of all those decisions, we regret 143,262 of them. Which means 18 1/2% of our decisions, almost 1 in 5, we tend to regret. Those are terrible odds. Why are we regretting so many of our decisions? The other day…
Why You Should Care About Inflammation
I have a riddle for you. What is something that you can’t see? You can’t feel, but it is slowly damaging your body? The answer is chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation is something I’ve been hearing a lot more about. Seems like a lot of health experts are mentioning chronic inflammation more and more. What is…
What Exactly is a Plant Based Diet?
Did you know that over 9.7 million Americans consider themselves to be on a plant based diet? But exactly what does a plant based diet mean? I always think I’m on a plant based diet. But, I started to ask myself, what is the exact definition of a plant based diet? And I’m my actually…
Are You Fluent in Fat Talk?
Do you speak more than one language? If you said no, I am going to beg to differ because I guarantee there is a second language you are fluent in. That language is fat talk. Fat Talk. It is something I feel, as women, we are so comfortable speaking. We don’t even realize we’re doing…
Do You Have a Wine Belly?
Do you participate in dry January? If you do, how’s it going? I know, from my experience as a wine store owner, dry January is a lot like the gym. A lot of people participate those first few days or week, but, as time slowly ticks down through the month, I would see more and…
3 Dangers of Belly Fat
What is it about belly fat? The issue is belly fat is different than the fat that we get on our hips or our butt. And there’s actually health dangers associated with belly fat. First, know where you stand as far as your risk factors with belly fat. That means you need to know your…
Do These 12 Things Instead of a New Year Resolution
Do you have a New Year’s resolution this year? Do you even believing in New Year’s resolutions? Have you done them in the past? Maybe they’ve worked? But most likely, they haven’t worked out so great. I don’t know about you. But I gave up on New Year’s resolutions a few years ago, because I…
This One Word Will Make Your Year!
So, the New Year 2022 is quickly approaching. I have to wonder, who do you want to be? What do you want your year to look like? And how are you going to achieve it? These are really big, deep questions. Questions that you could journal pages and pages on. For the past few years,…
Are You Getting Angrier In Midlife?
I once heard a woman say, “I want to throw a frying pan at my husband’s head. Is this normal?”. Well, no, it’s not normal. But being in midlife, and most likely having imbalanced hormones, anger and irritability is definitely something we can be experiencing a lot more often than we did in our past.…
Top 3 Healthy Cleaning Supplies
Have you ever felt a little woozy or overwhelmed by the small of household cleaners? Maybe they even makes your eyes tear up a little bit. I’ve been trying to really clean up my life and get as many chemicals out as possible. The first thing I worked on was food. But there’s so many…

I'm Shari and I believe that midlife is the start of your next great chapter in life! Are you with me?