Are You Fluent in Fat Talk?

Do you speak more than one language? If you said no, I am going to beg to differ because I guarantee there is a second language you are fluent in. That language is fat talk.
Fat Talk. It is something I feel, as women, we are so comfortable speaking. We don’t even realize we’re doing it. We do it so easily whether we’re with our closest friends or by ourselves. I feel like we’re always complaining about our bodies. Our thighs are too fat. Our butt is too big. Our belly is too jiggly. Whatever it is, no matter your size, shape, or appearance you probably have no problem jumping right into fat talk. It’s easier for us to list what we don’t like about our bodies easier that what we don’t like ab out our bodies. Psychological studies on fat talk have found it is contagious. I know I’m guilty of excessive fat talk. It’s one of those things that has become such a natural, accepted way for women to speak. Nobody really thinks about it.
Ultimately, I don’t want to do that anymore. It’s chipping away at our self esteem. It is making us feel bad about our bodies. Bad about ourselves. It brings a lot of negative energy into our bodies. It’s going to create exactly what we don’t want. We’re going to feel so badly about ourselves that we will make unhealthy food choices, we won’t work out because what’s the point? “I’m never going to be that perfect size” we say.
I am on a mission to ban fat talk from my my world. I hope you’re on board with me. If you’re wondering how to eliminate fat talk in your life, here’s a few ideas…
- Become Aware. Start to be more mindful of when you are fat talking so you can stop it.
- Take Control. Be the leader of the conversation so that it doesn’t deteriorate into negativity.
- Steer the Conversation. Bring up a different subject, something more positive, fun, and beneficial.
- Challenge the Fat Talk. Where are these facts coming from? Are these facts or just fictional thoughts in our head that are creating these feelings?
If you follow these ideas, know what will happen? You’re going to be more confident. You’re going to have better self esteem. You’re going to be happier about your life and body. You’ll be motivated to make healthier choices, choose better foods and work out because it aligns with your beliefs. You’ll be more comfortable in your skin. And that’s fact talk not fat talk!
Peace and Love!