6 Signs of Hormonal Weight Gain

Today I want to talk about six signs of hormonal weight gain. See how many of these signs you may be experiencing yourself. You might get some of those answers that you’ve been looking for regarding why the weight is not coming off for you.
What are the six signs of hormonal weight gain?
- You’re eating right, you’re eating clean, but, you’re still gaining weight. You’ve done a lot of great work cutting out processed foods. But it doesn’t seem to be helping. The weight is still coming on, especially coming around the belly.
- You are really moody. Moodiness is a sign of hormonal imbalance and it could be a sign of estrogen dominance. Estrogen and progesterone are not in balance with each other. And progesterone is the calming hormone. So without having the correct levels and balance of those two hormones, it’s so much easier to fly off the handle.
- Your sex drive tanked. This is working with estrogen and testosterone imbalance. If your libido has left the building, it’s a good sign that your hormones are not in balance.
- Your sleep tends to be messed up. Either you want to sleep more, or you’re not sleeping enough. When this happens there could be imbalance with your cortisol levels, which definitely play a role in our sleep. Our sleep helps us regulate our leptin and ghrelin hormones. These are the two hormones that let us know when we’re hungry and when we’re full. With those out of balance, we’re not eating the correct amount that our body needs to optimally operate.
- You are craving more sugar. This is a really, really big sign that there is some sort of hormonal imbalance. It is driven by either cortisol or insulin imbalance.
- You’re under a lot of stress. If you’re feeling stressed 24/7 it’s going to tie into cortisol. When you’re stressed, cortisol will start to trigger your cravings for sugary foods and carbs, all those comfort foods. And that, of course, it’s going to lead to weight gain, especially around the belly.
A lot of these hormonal imbalances will lead to weight gain around the belly, especially once we’re over 40.
Peace and Love!